GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: tmp_project/PhoenixString/src/phoenix_random_impl.h
Date: 2024-12-09 15:28:54
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 8 8 100.0%
Branches: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /***************************************
2 Auteur : Pierre Aubert
3 Mail : pierre.aubert@lapp.in2p3.fr
4 Licence : CeCILL-C
5 ****************************************/
10 #include "phoenix_random.h"
12 ///Set a random value between valInf and valSup
13 /** @param[out] val : uniform random value between valInf and valSup
14 * @param valInf : lower value of uniform randomizer
15 * @param valSup : upper value of uniform randomizer
16 */
17 template<typename T>
18 100 void phoenix_setRandValue(T & val, const T & valInf, const T & valSup){
19 100 T fourchette = valSup - valInf;
20 //l'utilisation de double est nécéssaire pour permettre de bons tirages aléatoires avec des nombres entiers
21 100 T alea = (T)((((double)fourchette)*((double)rand()))/((double)(RAND_MAX)));
22 100 val = alea + valInf;
23 100 }
25 ///Get a random value between valInf and valSup
26 /** @param valInf : lower value of uniform randomizer
27 * @param valSup : upper value of uniform randomizer
28 * @return uniform random value between valInf and valSup
29 */
30 template<typename T>
31 100 T phoenix_getRandValue(const T & valInf, const T & valSup){
32 T val;
33 100 phoenix_setRandValue(val, valInf, valSup);
34 100 return val;
35 }
37 #endif